Online Reading Revelation (Forever, #3)

   Book Details
️Book Title : Revelation (Forever, #3)
⚡Book Author : Eve Newton
⚡Page : 176 pages
⚡Published May 15th 2013 by Writer's Edge Publishing (first published November 11th 2012)

Revelation (Forever, #3) - Book 3 in the Forever Series. Liv is gaining control of her true powers, a change that begins to alter her sense of identity. Revelations she has pushed for, come to pass, but Liv realizes that learning of her past has only made it catch up with her. As she learns more about the mysterious stranger, the man that terrifies her the most comes back into her life, but she is determined to finish him once and for all. As new developments arise, Liv and the three men she loves work together to bring the future they desire to reality as a declaration is made that will forever change their lives. Old enemies and new friends all make for an exciting new chapter in Livs life but does she have the strength to see it through?

Reading Free Revelation (Forever, #3)

Revelation (Forever, #3)

Book 3 in the Forever Series. Liv is gaining control of her true powers, a change that begins to alter her sense of identity. Revelations she has pushed for, come to pass, but Liv realizes that learning of her past has only made it catch up with her. As she learns more about the mysterious stranger, the man that terrifies her the most comes back into her life, but she is determined to finish him once and for all. As new developments arise, Liv and the three men she loves work together to bring the future they desire to reality as a declaration is made that will forever change their lives. Old enemies and new friends all make for an exciting new chapter in Livs life but does she have the strength to see it through?

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