Online Reading Zenn Diagram

Book Details
️Book Title : Zenn Diagram
⚡Book Author : Wendy Brant
⚡Page : 328 pages
⚡Published April 4th 2017 by Kids Can Press

Zenn Diagram - The more I touch someone, the more I can see and understand, and the more I think I can help. But thats my mistake. I cant help. You cant fix people like you can solve a math problem. Math genius. Freak of nature. Loner. Eva Walker has literally one friendif you dont count her quadruplet three-year-old-siblingsand its not even because shes a math nerd. No, Eva is a loner out of necessity, because everyone and everything around her is an emotional minefield. All she has to do is touch someone, or their shirt, or their cell phone, and she can read all their secrets, their insecurities, their fears. Sure, Evas gift comes in handy when shes tutoring math and she can learn where people are struggling just by touching their calculators. For the most part, though, its safer to keep her hands to herself. Until she meets six-foot-three, cute-without-trying Zenn Bennett, who makes that nearly impossible. Zenns jacket gives Eva such a dark and violent vision that youd think not touching him would be easy. But sometimes you have to take a risk

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Zenn Diagram

The more I touch someone, the more I can see and understand, and the more I think I can help. But thats my mistake. I cant help. You cant fix people like you can solve a math problem. Math genius. Freak of nature. Loner. Eva Walker has literally one friendif you dont count her quadruplet three-year-old-siblingsand its not even because shes a math nerd. No, Eva is a loner out of necessity, because everyone and everything around her is an emotional minefield. All she has to do is touch someone, or their shirt, or their cell phone, and she can read all their secrets, their insecurities, their fears. Sure, Evas gift comes in handy when shes tutoring math and she can learn where people are struggling just by touching their calculators. For the most part, though, its safer to keep her hands to herself. Until she meets six-foot-three, cute-without-trying Zenn Bennett, who makes that nearly impossible. Zenns jacket gives Eva such a dark and violent vision that youd think not touching him would be easy. But sometimes you have to take a risk

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